- Social entrepreneurs are unwilling, or unable, to rest until they have spread their ideas society-wide.
- An important social change frequently begins with a single entrepreneurial author: one obsessive individual who sees a problem and envisions a new solution.
- Every change begins with a vision and a decision to take action (…) Then, social change takes a long, long time.
- An entrepreneur is not happy solving a problem in one village or two schools.
- Social entrepreneurs make dictators uncomfortable.
- The corpus of knowledge in social entrepreneurship comes from first-hand engagement with the world—from asking lots of questions and listening and observing with a deep caring to understand.
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Other (Non-fiction). Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Other (Non-fiction). Mostrar todas las entradas
20 tweets about social entrepreneurs (by David Bornstein)
85 tuits de “La bailarina de Auschwitz”, de Edith Eger
- «Todo el éxtasis de tu vida vendrá de tu interior», me había dicho mi profesora de ballet. Nunca entendí qué quería decir. Hasta Auschwitz.
- Tenemos la capacidad de escapar de las prisiones que construimos en nuestras mentes y podemos elegir ser libres, sean cuales sean las circunstancias de nuestra vida.
- A veces, es el dolor el que nos impulsa y, a veces, es la esperanza.
- Eso es un trauma: una sensación casi permanente en el estómago de que algo va mal, o de que algo terrible está a punto de suceder, reacciones automáticas de mi cuerpo ante el miedo diciéndome que huya, que me proteja, que me esconda del peligro que está en todas partes.
100 tweets from “The Coddling of the American Mind" (by Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff)
- This is a book about three Great Untruths that seem to have spread widely in recent years: The Untruth of Fragility: What doesn’t kill you makes you weaker. The Untruth of Emotional Reasoning: Always trust your feelings. The Untruth of Us Versus Them: Life is a battle between good people and evil people.
- If students didn’t build skills and accept friendly invitations to spar in the practice ring, and if they avoided these opportunities because well-meaning people convinced them that they’d be harmed by such training, well, it would be a tragedy for all concerned.
- Many university students are learning to think in distorted ways, and this increases their likelihood of becoming fragile, anxious, and easily hurt.
- Students were beginning to react to words, books, and visiting speakers with fear and anger because they had been taught to exaggerate danger, use dichotomous (or binary) thinking, amplify their first emotional responses, and engage in a number of other cognitive distortions.
- Well-intentioned overprotection—from peanut bans in elementary schools through speech codes on college campuses—may end up doing more harm than good.
- Comfort and physical safety are boons to humanity, but they bring some costs, too.
35 tweet sul mistero del tempo (da Carlo Rovelli, "L'ordine nel tempo")
- La natura del tempo resta il mistero forse più grande.
- Il tempo passa più lento in alcuni luoghi, più rapido in altri (...) La montagna è un po' più lontana dalla Terra. Per questo l'amico in pianura invecchia meno.
- Il tempo non è una linea con due direzioni eguali: è una freccia, con estremità diverse.
- Rilke: "L'eterna corrente trascina sempre con sé tutte le epoche attraverso entrambi i regni e in entrambi le sovrasta".
- La capacità di comprendere prima di vedere è il cuore del pensiero scientifico.
20 tweets on the acts of listening and thinking (by Jordan Peterson)
selection of tweets from the book 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote toChaos, by Jordan B. Peterson (Allen Lane, 448 pages, 2018).
- Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t.
- When you’re involved in a genuine conversation, you’re listening, and talking—but mostly listening. Listening is paying attention.
- It’s amazing what people will tell you if you listen. Sometimes if you listen to people, they will even tell you what’s wrong with them. Sometimes they will even tell you how they plan to fix it.
- True thinking is rare—just like true listening. Thinking is listening to yourself. It’s difficult. To think, you have to be at least two people at the same time.
- True thinking is complex and demanding. It requires you to be an articulate speaker and careful, judicious listener, at the same time.
- A listening person tests your talking (and your thinking) without having to say anything. A listening person is a representative of common humanity.
10 tuits sobre el perdón
Selección de: Penitencia, Félix M. Arocena, Eunsa, Pamplona 2014.
- El arrepentimiento es una de las formas de expresión más poderosas de nuestra libertad.
- Cuando dos amigos se perdonan mutuamente, pueden reiniciar su amistad.
- Cuando un país perdona a otro las culpas de la guerra, la próxima generación puede vivir en libertad.
20 tweet da "I miei martedì col professore. La lezione più grande: la vita, la morte, l’amore" (Mitch Albom)
- Tutti sanno che si deve morire, ripeté Morrie, ma nessuno ci crede veramente. Se lo facessimo, agiremo in modo diverso.
- Morrie avrebbe fatto della morte il suo progetto finale, il punto focale dei suoi giorni.
- Si deve essere abbastanza forti per rifiutare modelli di vita che non funzionano.
- Le mie visite al professore assumevano il valore di un bagno purificatore dell'umana gentilezza.
- Morrie sentiva il fischio della locomotiva della morte, e aveva le idee molto chiare su quali erano le cose importanti della vita.
- Non c'è bisogno di parlare o di ascoltare, in un’amicizia così.
- Henry Adams: “un insegnante ha effetto sull’eternità; non può mai dire dove termina la sua influenza”.
La disputa felice in 30 tweet (Bruno Mastroianni)
- Grazie al web siamo tutti diventati "vicini": non c'è scritto da nessuna parte che questo ci rende automaticamente dei "buoni vicini", è qualcosa che dobbiamo conquistare giorno per giorno.
- È ora di imparare a confrontare le nostre opinioni sempre, senza litigare, ma trovandovi gusto e soddisfazione.
- Le decisioni migliori nascono dal disaccordo e dalle idee divergenti.
- Senza il confronto, quando si sta sempre tra condiscendenti, si finisce per vivere di imitazione e di conformismo.
- Sembra banale dirlo, ma al di là di ogni differenza il sorriso attrae, la severità respinge.
- Sintonizzarsi con i sentimenti, e non solo con gli intelletti, è la via per farsi ascoltare.
70 tweets from “The Human Condition” (by Hannah Arendt)
- Matters of practical politics, subject to the agreement of many never lie in theoretical considerations or the opinion of one person (5)
- Plurality is the condition of human action (8)
- We are all the same, that is, human, in such a way that nobody is ever the same as anyone else who ever lived, lives, or will live (8)
- Finding the right words at the right moment, quite apart from the information or communication they may convey, is action (26)
- A man who lived only a private life, who like the slave was not permitted to enter the public realm, or like the barbarian had chosen not to establish such a realm, was not fully human (38)
- For us, appearance —something that is being seen and heard by others as well as by ourselves— constitutes reality (50)
15 tweets from “A Rainbow in the Night: The Tumultuous Birth of South Africa” (by Dominique Lapierre)
- Holland’s only objective was to gain a foothold on a piece of supposedly uninhabited southern Africa and supply its ships sailing to the Indies with fresh produce.
- The disappointed young Dutchman setting out to plant lettuce could never have imagined he was writing the first chapter in the history of a country: South Africa.
- The settlers of Dutch descent were known locally as Boers, or “farmers.”
- Holland had just opened to a handful of its children the doors of a continent on whose soil they would soon write the most grandiose and ferocious of colonial epics.
- Young Hendrik Bidault replied fiercely, “Be off with you! We are no longer Dutch but Afrikaners!” That day the white tribe severed its ties with its mother country.
45 tuits de Dietrich Von Hildebrand sobre el corazón
- Tener un corazón capaz de amar, de afligirse y conmoverse, es la característica más específica de la naturaleza humana (p.15)
- Es el corazón quien experimenta la felicidad, no el entendimiento ni la voluntad (p.53)
- Una felicidad solamente «pensada» o «querida» no es felicidad. Esta se da en una experiencia afectiva (p.32)
- Conmoverse, en su sentido genuino, es una de las experiencias afectivas más nobles: es el reblandecimiento de la propia aridez (42)
Elogio de la pereza en 14 tuits de Leclercq
- La soledad, el silencio, el reposo, son necesarios para todo nacimiento (24)
- El trabajo, el esfuerzo, ha de partir de un reposo y desembocar en un reposo (14)
- Las grandes obras y los grandes gozos no se saborean corriendo (14)
- Si alguna vez un pensamiento o una obra de arte surgen como un relámpago, es que ha habido antes una larga incubación de morosidad (24)
15 tweets about the “philosophical act” (by Pieper)
- Philosophers and poets are concerned with the mirandum (…) or whatever calls for astonishment or wonder (69)
- In a world of total work, all the various forms and methods of transcendence must themselves become sterile (69)
- It is exactly here, in this inner experience, that philosophy has its beginning: in the experience of wonder (100)
- He who knows, does not feel wonder (…) But this un-knowing is not the kind that brings resignation (106)
15 tweets from “Leisure, The Basis of Culture” (by Josef Pieper)
- Our new beginning, our re-foundation, calls out immediately for…a defense of leisure.
- The original meaning of “leisure” has practically been forgotten in today’s leisure-less culture of “total work”.
- The name for the institutions of education and learning (scola, schule, school) mean “leisure”.
- Thomas Aquinas: “The goal and the norm of discipline is happiness”.
- Leisure it is not necessary present in all the external things like “breaks”, “time off”, “weekend” and so on. Leisure is a condition of the soul.
- Leisure is the disposition of receptive understanding, of contemplative beholding, and immersion – in the real.
50 tuits de Kapuscinski sobre el buen periodismo
50 tuits sobre el buen
periodismo tras la lectura de Los
cínicos no sirven para este oficio, conversaciones
con Ryszard Kapuscinski, (Anagrama, Barcelona 2004, 124 páginas).
- La fuente principal de nuestro conocimiento periodístico son «los otros».
- Los otros dirigen nuestro trabajo: nos dan sus opiniones y nos interpretan el mundo que intentamos comprender y describir.
- No hay periodismo posible al margen de la relación con los otros seres humanos.
- La relación con los seres humanos es el elemento imprescindible de nuestro trabajo.
- Creo que para ejercer el periodismo, ante todo, hay que ser un buen hombre, o una buena mujer: buenos seres humanos.
60 tweets on “Political Tone: How Leaders Talk & Why”
- Tone is not everything but is also not nothing (228)
- Tone is a message about a message–that which is implied by that which is said (233)
- Tone is a meta-message, a way of saying something about one’s relationships (221)
- Tone is a tool people use (sometimes unwittingly) to create distinct social impressions via word choice (9)
- People use words to make impressions on other people (4)
- Certain words, when drawn upon often enough, leave people with shared but often elusive perceptions of others (10)
15 tuits de Pierre Bourdieu sobre la televisión
- La limitación del tiempo televisivo impone tantas cortapisas al discurso que resulta poco probable que pueda decirse algo (p. 19)
- La competencia televisiva por las cuotas de mercado (por conseguir audiencia) provoca una especie de corrupción estructural del medio (p. 20)
- Al privilegiar la audiencia, y llenar el tiempo de vacuidad, la televisión elude noticias que un ciudadano necesitaría para ejercer sus derechos democráticos (p. 23)
25 tuits sobre Bergoglio para conocer mejor a Francisco
Algunos tuits sobre el cardenal Bergoglio tras la lectura
de “Francisco. Vida y revolución”, de Elisabetta Piqué.
- Bergoglio no olvida el consejo paterno: "saludá a la gente cuando vas subiendo, porque te la vas a encontrar al ir bajando. No te la creas".
- Juan Isasmendi, cura villero: "Lo primero que te preguntaba Bergoglio era: ¿Rezaste? ¿Estás rezando? Siempre te preguntaba lo mismo".
- Poirier: si Bergoglio te ve una vez, te va a recordar. Tiene una geografía muy presente de las personas.
- "Primero la vida y luego la organización, esta debe ser el sostén y la expresión de la vida", decía Bergoglio.
Un texto sobre Paul Feyerabend en 12 tuits (Jon Lecanda, 2014)
- “El conocimiento sin corazón es una cosa vacía” (Paul Feyerabend en sus últimas clases en Trieste, Italia).
- Feyerabend sensibiliza ante la escisión del conocimiento con la vida, tras la suplantación de la libertad por estériles métodos.
- La abstracción separada de la vida abre un abismo que obstaculiza el conocimiento.
- “La árida y gris ideología de ciertos autores de la ciencia moderna crea un mundo árido y gris, y en fin un hombre árido, gris e incluso casi no humano” (Paul Feyerabend).
Some tweets from "A Little History of the World" (by Ernst H. Gombrich)
- What I have always loved best about history of the world is that it is true.
- Because the Egyptians were so wise their empire lasted for longer than any other the world has ever known: nearly 3000 years.
- The idea that each sign might represent one sound, and that just 26 of those were all you need to write every conceivable word, was amazing.
- When the Greeks came to Greece, they were not yet Greeks. They were like the Sioux or the Mohicans you read about in stories of the Wild West.
- King Darius of Persia built roads so that his orders might be carried without delay to the furthest parts of his kingdom.

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