- What I have always loved best about history of the world is that it is true.
- Because the Egyptians were so wise their empire lasted for longer than any other the world has ever known: nearly 3000 years.
- The idea that each sign might represent one sound, and that just 26 of those were all you need to write every conceivable word, was amazing.
- When the Greeks came to Greece, they were not yet Greeks. They were like the Sioux or the Mohicans you read about in stories of the Wild West.
- King Darius of Persia built roads so that his orders might be carried without delay to the furthest parts of his kingdom.
- Greek prince Pyrrhus lost so many of his men in a battle that he is said to have cried out, “One more such victory and we are lost! #PyrrhicVictory.
- The emperor Shih Huang-ti of China hated history so much that, in 213 bC, he ordered all history books be burnt.
- It’s a bad idea to try to prevent people from knowing their own history.
- If you want to do anything new you must first make sure you know what people have tried before.
- Rome received a letter with 3 words: veni, vidi, vinci (I came, I saw, I conquered). That is how fast Gaius Julius Caesar worked!
- It is said that Augustus never gave an order or made a decision in anger.
- Whenever Augustus felt his temper rising, he slowly recited the alphabet, and by the time he had reached the end he had calmed down.
- Jesus Christ taught that it doesn’t matter if a person is rich or poor, of noble or humble birth, a master or a slave, a great thinker or a child.
- Jesus Christ taught that all men are God’s children. That what matters is not judgement but mercy.
- The cross was even worse than the gallows. And this cross of shame became the symbol of the new teaching.
- The Christians believed in just one God and
were refusing to scatter incense before images of the emperor.
Ernst H. Gombrich - It is said that Attila, the king of the Huns, never laughed. Power was what mattered. People said that whenever he trod, the grass ceased to grow.
- In the Middle Ages the building of a church was the work of the whole town, a communal offering to God.
- Leonardo Da Vinci asked hospitals to give him the bodies of people who have died, which then dissected and explored.
- Leonardo: “Nature doesn’t break her own laws”.
- Charles V: “How did I ever presume to try to unite all the peoples of my empire when I cannot, even once, persuade a few clocks to chime together”.
- For Ignatius seemed clear that if you want to conquer others you must first conquer yourself.
- After Trent, priest would return to being priests, and not just princes living in splendour.
- Louis XIV to his grandson: “Never favour those who flatter you most, but hold rather to those who risk your displeasure for your own good”.
- Louis XIV to his grandson: “Never neglected business for pleasure, organise your life so that there is time in it for relaxation and entertainment”.
- Frederick II liked to say that he saw himself as the first servant of the state: the butler, as it were, rather than the owner.
- Mirabeau: "Go and tell to his majesty that we are here through the will of the people, and will not leave except at the point of a bayonet!".
- French Revolution. The people, it was proclaimed, would be the true rulers, and the king merely their representative.
- Napoleon: I rejoice that each of you, upon returning home, will be able to say: I too was of that army that conquered Italy!
- Napoleon was lord of almost Europe. He gave each of his relatives a kingdom – a little souvenir, as it were.
- From 1800 onwards it is even less possible to see the history of the world as only that of Europe.
- China’s Emperor to the king of England, 1793: “Our Celestial Kingdom possesses all things in abundance and wants for nothing within its frontiers”.
- The Japanese turned out to be the best students in all the history of the world.
- Industrial revolution: anyone who owned a machine, with the help of one or two assistants, do more work than 100 trained weavers.
- Machines were faster, better and very much cheaper. Machines don’t sleep and they don’t eat. No do they need holidays.
- Wavers, blacksmiths, spinners and cabinet-makers sank ever more into misery and destitution.
- In England in 1912 the death penalty was introduced for anyone found guilty of destroying a machine.
- People had many ideas about how to organize work in a socialist way, so as to put an end to the misery of starving workers.
- More colonies means more factories, more factories means more goods and more goods means that even more colonies are needed.
- Every day we know a little more about nature, and about human nature too. But the horror of poverty remains.
- Winston Churchill: “I can promise nothing but blood, sweat and tears”.
- With the mingling of peoples in our tiny planet, it becomes more and more necessary for us to respect and tolerate each other.
- We must make use of the moment we come to the surface of the river of history. It is worth the effort.

Ernst H.
Gombrich: A Little History of the World, Yale University Press, 2005, 284 pp.
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