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Chris Anderson, The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking
Headline, London 2016.
- There is no one way to give a great talk. Any attempt to apply a single set formula is likely to backfire.
- A key part of the appeal of a great talk is its freshness. We’re humans. We don’t like same old, same old.
- If your talk feels too similar to a talk someone has already heard, it is bound to have less impact.
- Your only real job in giving a talk is to have something valuable to say, and to say it authentically in your own way.
- Public speaking is the key to unlocking empathy, stirring excitement, sharing knowledge and insights, and promoting a shared dream.
- Done right, a talk can electrify a room and transform an audience’s worldview.
- Writing gives us the words. Speaking brings with it a whole new toolbox.
- You can use your fear as an incredible asset. It can be the driver that will persuade you to prepare for a talk properly.
- Your goal is not to be Winston Churchill or Nelson Mandela. It’s to be you.
- If you’re a scientist, be a scientist; don’t try to be an activist. If you’re an artist, be an artist; don’t try to be an academic.
- If you’re just an ordinary person, don’t try to fake some big intellectual style; just be you.
- Presentation literacy isn’t an optional extra for the few. It’s a core skill for the twenty-first century.
- Your number-one mission as a speaker is to take something that matters deeply to you and to rebuild it inside the minds of your listeners.
- Anyone who has an idea worth sharing is capable of giving a powerful talk.
- The only thing that truly matters in public speaking is not confidence, stage presence, or smooth talking. It’s having something worth saying.
- Go and work on something that is worth sharing. Style without substance is awful.
- Many of the best talks are simply based on a personal story and a simple lesson to be drawn from it.
- Language works its magic only to the extent that it is shared by speaker and listener.
- You can only use the tools that your audience has access to. If you start only with your language, your concepts, your assumptions, your values, you will fail.
- It’s only from that common ground that your audience can begin to build your idea inside their minds.
- The speaker’s job is to give to the audience, not take from them.
- If you’re going to gift people with a wondrous idea, you first have to spend some preparation time. Rambling is not an option.
- Inspiration can’t be performed. It’s an audience response to authenticity, courage, selfless work, and genuine wisdom.
- The point of a talk is… to say something meaningful. But it’s amazing how many talks never quite do that.
- If there’s no real takeaway, all the speaker has done— at best— is to entertain.
- A good exercise is to try to encapsulate your throughline in no more than fifteen words.
- Vulnerability is something to be treasured, not hidden from.
- It’s certainly not the case that a shorter talk means shorter preparation time.
- “If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.”
- You cover less, but the impact will actually be significantly greater.
- Author Richard Bach said, “Great writing is all about the power of the deleted word.”
- The secret of successful talks often lies in what is left out. Less can be more.
- Plan your talk. Then cut it by half. Once you’ve grieved the loss of half of your talk, cut it another 50 percent.
- Great speakers find a way of making an early connection with their audience.
- One thing we can all do is make eye contact with audience members and smile a little. It makes a huge difference.
- The best tool to engender that trust? Yup, a smile. A natural human smile.
- Eye contact, backed by an occasional warm smile, is an amazing technology that can transform how a talk is received.
- One of the best ways to disarm an audience is to first reveal your own vulnerability.
- Authentic vulnerability is powerful. Oversharing is not. If in doubt, try your talk on an honest friend.
- Humor is a wonderful way to bring the audience with you.
- When you laugh with someone, you both feel you’re on the same side. It’s a fantastic tool for building a connection.
- Laughter blows open someone’s defenses, and suddenly you have a chance to truly communicate with them.
- Laughter says, ‘We as a group have bonded with this speaker’. Everyone then pays more attention.
- Caution: Successfully spending that much time on humorous stories is a special gift, not recommended for most of us.
- If you can find just one short story that makes people smile, it may unlock the rest of your talk.
- Telling a joke that you downloaded off the Internet will probably backfire.
- What you’re looking for are hilarious-but-true stories that are directly relevant to your topic.
- Nothing damages the prospects of a talk more than the sense that the speaker is a blowhard.
- Remember that the purpose of your talk is to gift an idea, not to self-promote.
- The biggest killer of connection: tribal thinking.
- When people aren’t prepared or ready to listen, communication can’t happen.
- Offer the right level of detail. Too little and the story is not vivid. Too much and it gets bogged down.
- When you combine a truthful story with a desire to use it for others’ benefit, you can give your listeners an extraordinary gift.
- You can spend so much time telling the story that you miss drawing out the necessary conclusions.
- In the right hands, a parable can entertain, inform, and inspire all in one.
- A key part of planning a talk is to have the balance right between the concepts you are introducing and the examples and metaphors needed to make them understandable.
- First share a draft script with colleagues and friends. Then try it out in front of a private audience.
- For understanding to take place, it’s crucial the listener knows where she is on that tree.
- Some of the most important elements in a talk are the little phrases that give clues to the talk’s overall structure: “One recent example…” “On the other hand…” “Let’s build on that…” “So, in summary…”
- Ultimately, your best bet is to recruit help from people new to the topic, because they will be best at spotting the gaps.
- Maybe one such transgression can be handled, but when jargon terms pile up, people simply switch off.
- You don’t have to over-explain. Indeed, the best explainers say just enough to let people feel like they’re coming up with the idea for themselves.
- There’s one other key explanation tool. Before you try to build your idea, consider making clear what it isn’t.
- Explanation is building a brand-new idea inside someone’s mind.
- Persuasion means convincing an audience that the way they currently see the world isn’t quite right.
- There’s another form of reasoned argument, known as reductio ad absurdum, that can be devastatingly powerful.
- Instead of being told facts, we’ve been invited to join the process of discovery.
- Most people are capable of being convinced by logic, but they aren’t always energized by it.
- The language of reason may have to be bolstered by other tools that make the conclusions not just valid, but meaningful, exciting, desirable.
- If people know why you’re passionate about the issue, they’re more likely to listen to your logic.
- Persuasion is the act of replacing someone’s worldview with something better.
- Reason is best accompanied by intuition pumps, detective stories, visuals, or other plausibility-priming devices.
- Share with us, in accessible human language, what you were dreaming of when you started the work.
- One clever way to ensure that the walk maintains energy is to make the slides automatically advance.
- The ability to paint a compelling picture of the future is truly one of the greatest gifts a speaker can bring.
- The more actionable a future vision can be, the better.
- It’s a striking fact that at least a third of TED’s most viewed talks make no use of slides whatsoever.
- The majority of talks do benefit from great slides, and for some talks, the visuals are the difference between success and failure.
- Having no slides at all is better than bad slides.
- The key elements to strong visuals? They fall into three categories: Revelation, Explanatory power, Aesthetic appeal.
- Often the best explanations happen when words and images work together.
- Limit each slide to a single core idea.
- With a talk and slides you have two streams of cognitive output running in parallel. The speaker needs to blend both streams.
- It doesn’t make sense to leave a slide onscreen once you’ve finished talking about it.
- Just go to a black slide and then the audience will get a vacation from images and pay more attention to your words.
- Those PowerPoint with a headline followed by multiple bullet points of long phrases are the surest single way to lose an audience’s attention.
- There is no value in simply repeating in text what you are saying on stage.
- The main purpose of visuals can’t be to communicate words; your mouth is perfectly good at doing that.
- Concepts in a talk need to be limited.
- There are numerous ways to structure a talk that can allow moments of visual indulgence that will increase the audience’s sense of delight.
- Give your audience enough time to absorb each step.
- A badly produced video will have your audience thinking more about its poor quality than about its content.
- Test your presentation— especially your slides— on family or friends who are not in your field.
- Testing is extremely important, especially on very technical or abstruse subjects.
- If you are uncomfortable with someone else’s slide recommendations, trust your instincts.
- As in all things with graphics, less is more.
- The huge advantage of going the scripted route is that you can make the best possible use of your available time.
- The big drawback of a script is that, unless you deliver it in the right way, the talk may not feel fresh.
- Being read to and being spoken to are two very different experiences.
- Refer to the script but compensate by looking up during each sentence to make eye contact with the audience.
- It’s important that you feel as if you’re in speaking mode, not reading mode.
- It’s all about giving meaning to the words as you speak as naturally and passionately as you can.
- It must come across as if you are sharing these ideas for the first time.
- Dan Gilbert advises to speak the talks into a recorder first, then transcribe them, and use that as the initial draft.
- Toss away your notes, move to the front of the stage, and speak the conclusion directly from the heart.
- There’s a lot to be said for going unscripted. It can sound fresh, alive, real, like you are thinking out loud.
- It is important to distinguish unscripted from unprepared.
- Try out the talk several times to be sure it can indeed be done within the time limit. If not, you must cut material.
- Prepare a talk that is no more than 90 percent of your time limit.
- A great talk is both scripted AND improvisational. It is precisely like a great jazz performance.
- There’s a very obvious tool you can use to improve your talk: Rehearse. Repeatedly.
- Most of the big TED hits happened only because of the hours of prep the speakers put in.
- Rehearse by yourself. Rehearse with your eyes closed. Rehearse walking in the garden.
- In your rehearsals, include your visuals, since timing with them is critical.
- If you are confident and at ease, everyone will have a better time.
- There’s a kind of unintentional memorization that develops naturally from repetition.
- The best memorized talks are known so well that speakers can concentrate on their passion for the ideas they contain.
- How was my tone of voice? Did it sound conversational (usually good) or as if I was preaching?
- In our crazy modern attention economy, people respond to crisp, powerful content.
- In history, many of the most powerful talks were short and to the point.
- You should plan to cut your material until you’re sure you can finish well under the limit.
- If you know you’re going to be OK on time, it will allow you to focus 100 percent on the topic you should be focused on.
- At the beginning of your talk, you have about a minute to intrigue people with what you’ll be saying.
- The way you end will strongly influence how your talk is remembered.
- However you deliver the talk, I strongly encourage you to script and memorize the opening minute and the closing lines.
- You want an opening that grabs people from the first moment. A surprising statement. An intriguing question. A short story.
- Every piece of content in our modern era is part of an attention war.
- Every talk needs mapping— a sense of where you’re going, where you are, and where you’ve been.
- The clichés really don’t help anyone.
- Never end with a video. End with you!
- Don’t apologize! Plan more carefully! Your job was to give the best talk you could in the time available.
- An elegant closing paragraph, followed by a simple “thank you,” offers the best shot at a satisfying end to your efforts.
- Use your fear as motivation. That’s what it’s there for. It will make it easier for you to truly commit to practicing your talk.
- Breathe deeply, meditation style. The oxygen infusion brings calm with it.
- Drink water. The worst aspect of nerves is when the adrenaline sucks the water from your mouth and you struggle to speak.
- Find “friends” in the audience. Early in the talk, look out for faces that seem sympathetic.
- Speaking to friends will help you find the right tone of voice.
- The effect of larger lecterns has been to create a huge visual barrier between speaker and audience.
- No reading! That’s the only way to stay warmly connected to the audience.
- The audience can enjoy the fact that you’re clearly making an effort not to read the speech, looking around, making eye contact, smiling.
- In short, it’s OK to be vulnerable. It’s also OK to find your place of comfort and confidence. And it’s essential to be authentic.
- What is that something extra? It’s the human overlay that turns information into inspiration.
- Voice coaches speak of at least six tools you can use: volume, pitch, pace, timbre, tone, and something called prosody.
- Prosody is the singsong rise and fall that distinguishes, for example, a statement from a question.
- Inject variety into the way you speak.
- The absence of pauses or changes of pace communicates that there is no single part of your talk matters more than any other part.
- If your talk is scripted, try this: Find the two or three words in each sentence that carry the most significance, and underline them.
- When you’re introducing key ideas, or explaining something that’s complex, slow down, and don’t be afraid to insert pauses.
- During anecdotes and lighter moments, speed up.
- Going too slowly is actually the bigger problem, since it allows time for people’s minds to wander off.
- Talk conversationally… and be ready to accelerate in passages where it’s natural to do so.
- When you want to emphasize a point, stop and address your audience from a stance of quiet power.
- Just make sure your body knows it’s not there solely to transport your head. It’s allowed to enjoy its own time on stage.
- Human attention is a fragile thing; if you add too many extra ingredients, the main thrust of a talk may get lost.
- Let’s also never forget that substance matters more than style. Ultimately, it’s all about the idea.
- We’re entering an era where we all need to spend a lot more time learning from each other.
- Every field of knowledge is different, but they are all connected. And they often rhyme.
- Something in the way you describe your process may give me a crucial insight or catalyze a new thought in me.
- Presentation literacy should be a core part of every school’s curriculum, on par with reading and math.
- Seeding a valuable idea, I am convinced, is the most impact that’s possible for an individual to have.
Chris Anderson
TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking
London 2016
269 pp.
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