
Some tweets from "The Speed Of Trust" (by Stephen M.R. Covey & Rebecca R. Merrill)

  1. The ability to create and sustain trust is the number one leadership competency of the new collaborative economy, and the single most critical skill for any leader today (110)
  2. There are many reasons for disengagement, but one of the biggest reasons is that people simply don’t feel trusted (260)
  3. Trust is a function of two things: character and competence. Character includes your integrity, your motive, your intent with people. Competence includes your capabilities, your skills, your results, your track record. And both are vital (29)
  4. Rumi (13th century Persian poet): “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself”
  5. As my father so eloquently taught, “If you think the problem is out there, that very thought is the problem.” (31)
  6. Societal trust is about creating value for others and for society at large (35)
  7. When there is a high-trust brand, customers buy more, refer more, give the benefit of the doubt, and stay with you longer (35)
  8. Interestingly, most massive violations of trust are violations of integrity (56)
  9. How you go about achieving results is as important as the results themselves (40)
  10. Albert Einstein: “Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters” (49)
  11. People trust people who make things happen (30)
  12. These are the abilities we have that inspire confidence —our talents, attitudes, skills, knowledge, and style. They are the means we use to produce results (57)
  13. If we don’t accomplish what we are expected to do, it diminishes our credibility (57)
  14. You may have a person who has great integrity, good intent, and a marvelous track record. But if he/she doesn’t have the capabilities necessary for a particular job, you won’t trust that person to do that job (57)
  15. A person has integrity when there is no gap between intent and behavior… when he or she is whole, seamless, the same—inside and out. This kind of authenticity is what I call “congruence” (64)
  16. When you consistently demonstrate inner congruence to your belief system and to principles, you inspire trust in both professional and personal relationships (65)
  17. A humble person is more concerned about recognizing contribution than being recognized for making it (66)
  18. Humble people realize clearly that they do not stand alone, but rather on the shoulders of those who have gone before, and that they move upward only with the help of others (66)
  19. Three “accelerators” will help you increase your integrity: make and keep commitments to yourself, stand for something, and be open (74)
  20. Integrity also includes the courage to do the right thing—even when it’s hard (66)
  21. Every time we make and keep a commitment to ourselves —large or small— we increase our self-confidence. We build our reserves. We enlarge our capacity to make and keep greater commitments (68)
  22. Treat a commitment you make to yourself with as much respect as you do the commitments you make to others (70)
  23. Trust is real. It’s quantifiable. It’s measurable. In every instance, it affects both speed and cost (25)
  24. Booker T. Washington: “Few things can help an individual more than to place responsibility on him, and to let him know that you trust him” (29)
  25. Roy Disney: “It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are” (72)
  26. To be open inspires credibility and trust; to be closed fosters suspicion and mistrust (73)
  27. To the degree to which you remain open to new ideas, possibilities, and growth, you create a trust dividend; to the degree you do not, you create a trust tax that impacts both your current and future performance (74)
  28. A person of good intent without the other three cores (integrity, capability, and results) would be a caring person who is dishonest or cowardly with no developed talents or skills and no track record (80)
  29. Trust grows when our motives are straightforward and based on mutual benefit (56)
  30. Trust grows when we genuinely care not only for ourselves, but also for the people we interact with, lead, or serve (56)
  31. The motive that inspires the greatest trust is genuine caring: caring about people, about purposes, about the quality of what you do, about society as a whole (81)
  32. The agenda that generally inspires the greatest trust is seeking mutual benefit—genuinely wanting what’s best for everyone involved. It’s not just that you care about others; you also genuinely want them to win (82)
  33. The opposite of a mutual benefit agenda is a self-serving agenda: “I want to win —period.” (83)
  34. The behavior that best creates credibility and inspires trust is acting in the best interest of others (84)
  35. When we act in the best interest of others, we clearly demonstrate the intent of caring and the agenda of seeking mutual benefit (84)
  36. Acting in the best interest of others is a behavior that typically flows out of a caring motive and an agenda of mutual benefit (85)
  37. A “trustee” is someone who is given legal authority to manage money or property on behalf of someone else. The fiduciary standard is that a trustee will act in the “best interest” of the person he/she represents (85)
  38. This is what I call the “trustee standard”: acting in the best interest of others (86)
  39. We need to do all we can to ensure that our behavior accurately reflects our true motives and agendas (86)
  40. In almost all situations, we would do well to recognize the possibility of good intent in others… sometimes despite their observable behavior (87)
  41. If your intent is based on principles (caring, contributing, seeking mutual benefit, acting in the best interest of others), it will bring you trust dividends; if it’s not, you’re going to be paying a tax (88)
  42. Our capabilities inspire the trust of others, particularly when they are specifically those needed for the task at hand (95)
  43. Competence inspires confidence (95)
  44. To remain credible in today’s world, we need to constantly improve our capabilities (96)
  45. Talents are our natural gifts and strengths. Attitudes represent our paradigms —our ways of seeing, as well as our ways of being. Skills are our proficiencies, the things we can do well. Knowledge represents our learning, insight, understanding, and awareness. Style represents our unique approach and personality. These are all parts of what we call our capabilities. They are our means to produce results (92)
  46. A leadership philosophy espoused by many excellent managers: Always surround yourself with people who are even more talented and competent than you (100)
  47. Results matter! They matter to your credibility. They matter to your ability to establish and maintain trust with others (113)
  48. Those who live the values but achieve low results can often be trained, coached, or moved to another role (114)
  49. With regard to results, the how matters every bit as much as the what (118)
  50. The hardest of all to deal with are those who have high results but are poor in living the values. They achieve the end that everybody wants, but they do it in a way that blatantly defies organizational values (114)
  51. It’s so much easier to get results the next time around if people trust you… if they know you’re going to give credit, to seek mutual benefit, to not place blame (118)
  52. A results focus is a way of thinking. It’s a different mentality than an activity focus (123)
  53. If you want to increase your results, expect to win —not only for yourself, but also for your team. Not at all costs, but honorably (125)
  54. Most of us have the tendency to judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behavior, and to think that the problem is “out there” (128)
  55. The truth is that in every relationship —personal and professional— what you do has far greater impact than anything you say (132)
  56. When good words are followed by validating behavior, they increase trust, sometimes dramatically. But when the behavior doesn’t follow or doesn’t match the verbal message, words turn into withdrawals (132)
  57. By behaving in ways that build trust, you make deposits. By behaving in ways that destroy trust, you make withdrawals. The “balance” in the account reflects the amount of trust in the relationship at any given time (135)
  58. One of the greatest benefits of the trust account metaphor is that it gives you a language to talk about trust (135)
  59. By behaving in ways that build trust with one, you build trust with many (138)
  60. Shelley Lazarus: “The people who I have trouble dealing with… are people who tend to not give full information. They purposefully leave out certain parts of the story —they distort facts” (139)
  61. “Talk straight” is honesty in action. It’s based on the principles of integrity, honesty, and straightforwardness (141)
  62. The opposite of talk straight is to lie or to deceive. Such behavior creates a huge tax on interactions —either immediately or at some later time when the deception is discovered (142)
  63. When people do have the courage to stop the cycle of spin and talk straight amazing things happen. Communication is clear. Meetings are few, brief, and to the point. Trust increases. Speed goes up. Cost goes down (144)
  64. While straight talk is vital to establishing trust, in most situations, it needs to be tempered by skill, tact, and good judgment (144)
  65. The personal discipline of talking straight helps create a precision of language, an economy of words, and a lack of spin (146)
  66. You can judge a person’s character by the way he treats people who can’t help him or hurt him (148)
  67. You can learn a lot about a person by the way he or she treats the waiter in a restaurant (149)
  68. A good leader takes nothing for granted and recognizes the contributions made by everyone on the team —even those people who appear to do the most insignificant jobs (150)
  69. We must never forget that the “little” things are the big things at home (153)
  70. James O’Toole: “What creates trust, in the end, is the leader’s manifest respect for the followers” (154)
  71. Try to do something each day to put a smile on someone’s face —even if that someone is the janitor in the building where you work (155)
  72. Avoid the common tendency to put more energy into new relationships and assume that people in existing relationships know you care (155)
  73. When something is transparent, light will flow through it (158)
  74. The opposite of create transparency is to hide, cover, obscure, or make dark (158)
  75. Transparent companies are constantly disclosing relationships, interests, and conflicts ahead of time so that everything is always out in the open and no one can question their agenda (159)
  76. Many companies create transparency with their own employees by going to what is known as Open Book Management —opening up their financial statements for the entire company to see (160)
  77. Tell the truth in a way people can verify. Declare your intent. Be open and authentic (162)
  78. Operate on the premise of “What you see is what you get.” Don’t have hidden agendas. Don’t hide information (162)
  79. The counterfeit of right wrongs is to cover up. It’s trying to hide a mistake, as opposed to repairing it (165)
  80. The reality is that everybody makes mistakes. The issue isn’t whether you will make them, it’s what you will do about them (165)
  81. When you build trust with one, you build trust with many (168)
  82. When wrongs happen, and you quickly acknowledge them and apologize, in most cases you’re able to move on (169)
  83. What damages credibility and trust the most is when, once something has gone wrong, people don’t acknowledge it or apologize (169)
  84. To show loyalty is a way to make huge deposits in the trust account —not only with the person you show loyalty to, but also with everyone who becomes aware that you do it (171)
  85. One important way to show loyalty is to give credit to others, to acknowledge them for their part in bringing about results (172)
  86. Speak about others as if they were present (174)
  87. When you talk about others behind their backs, it causes those who are present to think you’ll do the same to them when they’re not there (174)
  88. Stephen R. Covey: “To retain those who are present, be loyal to those who are absent” (174)
  89. Have the courage to go directly to the person with whom you have a concern. Sometimes the person who needs to change is the last to know (176)
  90. Give credit to others. Speak about people as if they were present (177)
  91. Don’t bad-mouth others behind their backs. When you must talk about others, check your intent. Don’t disclose others’ private information (177)
  92. Results give you instant credibility and instant trust (178)
  93. Delivering results is how you convert the cynics (180)
  94. It’s important in each situation to define the results that will build trust, and then deliver those results—consistently, on time, and within budget (181)
  95. To overpromise and underdeliver will make a withdrawal every time (182)
  96. Be on time and within budget. Don’t overpromise and underdeliver. Don’t make excuses for not delivering (182)
  97. You need to be sure to thank those giving the feedback and let them know how you plan to implement it (188)
  98. If you’re not willing to make mistakes, you’re not going to improve (188)
  99. Smart people and smart companies realize that making mistakes is part of life. They see mistakes as feedback that will help them improve (188)
  100. Soichiro Honda: “Success represents the one percent of your work that results from the ninety-nine percent that is called failure” (188)
  101. “If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate” (189)
  102. Encourage others to take appropriate risks and to learn from failure (190)
  103. Confront reality is about sharing the bad news as well as the good, naming the “elephant in the room,” addressing the “sacred cows,” and discussing the “undiscussables” (191)
  104. Don’t be afraid to deliver bad news. Don’t feel like you have to try to spin everything in a positive light (196)
  105. Address the tough stuff directly. Acknowledge the unsaid. Confront issues before they turn into major problems. Confront the reality, not the person (197)
  106. Blaine Lee: “Almost all conflict is a result of violated expectations” (198)
  107. It’s hard to hold someone accountable if they’re not clear on what the expectations are (206)
  108. Disclose and reveal expectations. Renegotiate them if needed and possible (…) Don’t assume that expectations are clear or shared (205)
  109. Clarifying expectations effectively is always a two-way street. People have to have the opportunity to push back, to help come to an expectation that is realistic and will work from both points of view (202)
  110. The opposite of clarify expectations is to leave expectations undefined —to assume they’re already known, or to fail to disclose them so there is no shared vision of the desired outcomes (199)
  111. Meaning is not in things; it’s not even necessarily in words. Meaning is in people. So even if you and I agree on something, we need to make sure we understand the words we’re using in the same way (200)
  112. Clarity is power. One way of checking to see if your communication has been clear is to “check for clarity” by asking a few simple questions (204)
  113. As the Russian proverb says, “Success has many fathers while failure is an orphan.” (209)
  114. To listen first means not only to really listen, but to do it first (before you try to diagnose, influence, or prescribe) (214)
  115. When you listen, you get insight and understanding you wouldn’t have had (…) Also, you show respect. You give people psychological air (216)
  116. To offer advice too early will usually only stir up more emotion —or cause someone to simply ignore what you say (219)
  117. Find out what the most important behaviors are to the people you’re working with. Don’t assume you know what matters most to others (220)
  118. Keeping commitments is the quickest way to build trust in any relationship —be it with an employee, a boss, a team member, a customer, a supplier, a spouse, a child, or the public in general (222)
  119. To break commitments or violate promises is, without question, the quickest way to destroy trust (222)
  120. When you make a commitment, you build hope; when you keep it, you build trust (222)
  121. There are implicit as well as explicit commitments, and the violation of either creates huge withdrawals of trust (225)
  122. But I affirm that commitments to people at home are every bit as important —or even more important— than commitments to people at work (226)
  123. Realize that when you say you will do something; the members of your family see that as a commitment (227)
  124. It becomes a vicious downward cycle: People tend to not trust people who don’t trust them (232)
  125. By extending trust, you leverage your leadership. You create a high-trust culture that brings out the best in people, creates high-level synergy, and maximizes the ability of any organization to accomplish what it sets out to do (235)
  126. Demonstrate a propensity to trust. Extend trust abundantly to those who have earned your trust. Extend trust conditionally to those who are earning your trust (237)
  127. Peter Drucker: “Organizations are no longer built on force, but on trust” (244)
  128. In a high-trust culture, however, one to two levels of management would likely have sufficed (258)
  129. Rather than focusing on continuous improvement and getting better, bureaucracy merely adds complexity and inefficiency (258)
  130. The costs of bureaucracy in all types of organizations -including government, health care, education, nonprofits, and business— are extraordinary (259)
  131. In low-trust organizations, bureaucracy is everywhere (259)
  132. Bureaucracy includes complex and cumbersome rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and processes. It’s reflected in excessive paperwork, red tape, controls, multiple approval layers, and government regulations (258)
  133. Disengagement is what happens when people continue to work at a company, but have effectively quit (commonly referred to as “quit and stay”) (260)
  134. Employee turnover represents a huge cost for organizations, and in low-trust cultures, turnover is often significantly higher than the industry or market average and several times higher than in high-trust cultures (260)
  135. When employees aren’t trusted, they tend to pass that lack of trust on to their customers, and customers ultimately leave (260)
  136. Employees tend to treat customers the way they’re treated by management (261)
  137. With high-trust relationships, not only does customer retention significantly increase; so does word-of-mouth marketing —as well as the quantity and quality of referrals (263)
  138. Referral business is a great illustration of the speed of trust in action (263)
  139. Innovation and creativity demand a number of important conditions to flourish, including the open sharing of ideas, an absence of caring about who gets the credit, a willingness to take risks, the safety to make mistakes, and the ability to collaborate. And all of these conditions are the fruits of high trust (263)
  140. Failure and invention are inseparable twins (264)
  141. Without trust, differences often create suspicion, divisiveness, or even destruction. But with trust, differences become a primary source of creativity, synergy and innovation (265)
  142. Bottom line, when people trust each other, differences are strengths; when they don’t, differences are divisive (265)
  143. High-trust company environments foster the collaboration and teamwork required for success in the new global economy (265)
  144. High-trust companies elicit far greater loyalty from their primary stakeholders —coworkers, customers, suppliers, distributors, and investors— than low-trust companies (267)
  145. The ability to establish, grow, extend, and restore trust truly is the key leadership competency of the new global economy (267)
  146. Market trust is all about brand or reputation (272)
  147. Even a child’s reputation is important. If you’re a parent, you probably find it a lot easier (as I do) to extend privileges to a child who has earned the reputation of being responsible than to one who has not (275)
  148. Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondarily on institutions such as courts of justice and police (284)
  149. Trust is an integral part of the fabric of our society. We depend on it (284)
  150. Doing good is no longer seen as something in addition to business; it is a part of business itself (288)
  151. As trust has begun to disappear, we’re finally recognizing how vital it is to our survival (290)
  152. When Orin Smith was president and CEO of Starbucks, he said, “Only a small proportion of customers buy a company’s products because it is socially responsible. But if they think for a moment that you aren’t responsible, a much larger percentage will have a negative response.” (292)
  153. The ability to inspire trust is a prime differentiator between a manager and a leader (300)
  154. A significant dimension of combining high analysis with high propensity to trust is the synergy that elevates instinct and intuition to the realm of good judgment (304)
  155. By treating people as if they can’t be trusted, they help to create the collusive, downward cycle of distrust (306)
  156. Frank Crane: “You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you don’t trust enough” (307)
  157. Some leaders have detail-oriented styles that —while they’re not really micromanagement— may nevertheless be seen as not trusting (313)
  158. Generally speaking, a loss of trust created by a violation of character (integrity or intent) is far more difficult to restore than a loss of trust created by a violation of competence (capabilities or results) (317)
  159. Don’t try to hide weaknesses or faults; face them and deal with them directly. Be exactly what you are today—and work on being a little better tomorrow (325)
  160. Mahatma Gandhi: “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong” (327)
  161. When we don’t forgive, we violate this crucial behavior. Not only do we deprive ourselves of clear judgment, emotional freedom, and possible high-trust dividends, we may also get in the way of someone else’s self-forgiveness and personal change (327)
  162. Leaders who extend trust to us become our mentors, models, and heroes (332)
  163. Trust brings out the best in people and literally changes the dynamics of interaction (333)
  164. As my father has said, “Compelling trust is the highest form of human motivation” (333)
  165. Trust is the engine of the sharing economy (338)
  166. Technology creates a platform where relevance and quality are decided and moderated by a system of transparent ratings and reviews—from average, everyday people. No trust, no deal (338)
  167. Doing right builds trust, and trust determines economic performance (338)
  168. We certainly have the technology tools for collaboration; the question is whether or not we have the trust. In reality, trust is the ultimate collaboration tool (333)
  169. On high-trust teams, factors such as physical distance and other obstacles to real collaboration become almost irrelevant (339)
  170. Change is the new normal in a disruptive world (339)
  171. The younger generations don’t want to be managed; they want to be led. They want to be inspired (340)
  172. “Culture” has reemerged as an imperative for organizational success (341)
  173. The old style of leadership, which we might refer to as “command and control,” is rooted deeply in the Industrial Age (342)
  174. The style of leadership that succeeds in today’s world is one of “trust and inspire” —trust the people you work with and inspire them to make a difference (342)
The Speed Of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything
Stephen M.R. Covey, Rebecca R. Merrill
Free Press
354 pp.

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