
10 tuit-claves para la comunicación de la fe

Algunos tuits tras la lectura del artículo "10 claves para comunicar la fe", de Juan Manuel Mora. 

El texto en castellano se encuentra en otro libro tuit-sintetizado en este blog y en www.arguments.esLa versión original, en italiano, fue publicada en el "Osservatore Romano" del 18 de agosto de 2011. 

  1. Comunicar mediante la irradiación de la alegría. La enseñanza de la Iglesia es una luz que se recibe en libertad
  2. Comunicar la fe no es discutir para vencer, sino dialogar para convencer sobre mensajes relevantes
  3. También en materia religiosa conviene buscar palabras sencillas y argumentos claros, que no quiere decir banales


Some tweets from "A Little History of the World" (by Ernst H. Gombrich)

  1. What I have always loved best about history of the world is that it is true.
  2. Because the Egyptians were so wise their empire lasted for longer than any other the world has ever known: nearly 3000 years.
  3. The idea that each sign might represent one sound, and that just 26 of those were all you need to write every conceivable word, was amazing.
  4. When the Greeks came to Greece, they were not yet Greeks. They were like the Sioux or the Mohicans you read about in stories of the Wild West.
  5. King Darius of Persia built roads so that his orders might be carried without delay to the furthest parts of his kingdom.