
Elogio de la pereza en 14 tuits de Leclercq

  1. La soledad, el silencio, el reposo, son necesarios para todo nacimiento (24)
  2. El trabajo, el esfuerzo, ha de partir de un reposo y desembocar en un reposo (14)
  3. Las grandes obras y los grandes gozos no se saborean corriendo (14)
  4. Si alguna vez un pensamiento o una obra de arte surgen como un relámpago, es que ha habido antes una larga incubación de morosidad (24)


50 tweets on Prejudice and Public Opinion (by John Henry Newman)

  1. Prejudice is an impression, which reason indeed can act upon, and the will can subdue, but only by degrees and with trouble.
  2. Prejudice sank into the mind by the repetition of untrue representations.
  3. A lie is a lie just as much the tenth time it is told as the first; but it gains in rhetorical influence.
  4. At length the lie will assume the shape of a respectable fact or opinion, which is held by a considerable number of well-informed persons.
  5. Prejudice must be effaced by an opposite process, by a succession of thoughts and deeds antagonistic to it.
  6. But prejudice is not at all innocent or excusable, just the reverse.