
22 tweets from “Running a Public Relations Department”, by Mike Beard

    1. Avoid getting bogged down in short-term issues and keep a clear vision of a long-term purpose (p. 48)
    2. The plan is the basis for reviewing individual performance in the annual appraisal (p. 51)
    3. The plans should concentrate on change (p. 51)
    4. A busy team is a happy team if it is well managed (74)
    5. Whatever you do [in team management] should take account of the need to provide job satisfaction &career development for your team (76)


    My 15 tweets from "Orthodoxy" (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)

    1. Everything human must have in it both joy and sorrow (...) but joy is the gigantic secret of the Christian 
    2. The poet only asks to get his head into the heavens. It is the logician who seeks to get the heavens into his head 
    3. There is a special sense in which materialism has more restrictions than spiritualism